We can’t be everything to everyone.
But we can be everything to someone.
We don’t compromise on what really matters.

We’re all about connecting people to content,
and understanding what you need and
how to tell your story.


Even if you don’t.





freelance digital marketing and website development







A nice website with good SEO is no longer good enough. You need to do more, to do better. We’ll troubleshoot your digital marketing, and do the mix of the technical and creative stuff that you don’t know you need, or know how to do, or have the time to do it.

You want the truth about your website??

We take a 360 of your digital footprint, and using analytics and tools you don’t know how to use, we figure out how best to tell your story. Then we’ll take your customers on that journey with you.

we are more than just a service.
we are partners in your digital journey,
empowering you to do more online.

If you need a new website designed and built, or an existing one revamped into the modern world, we can start your story from scratch with you. Don’t just settle for a website that is ‘good enough for now’. Build something cool!

We have built tons of websites in WordPress with Elementor Pro, Divi, Kadence etc, plus Webflow and Squarespace as well. We can add customisations and unique features to suit your website, and show you how to manage & update the content when we’re done.

Anything you want to do to grow your business online – We’ve got you covered. This is a multi-channel approach that could include a number of activities geared towards brand growth online. You pick the areas you want to focus on, and we’ll help shape your story in ways you don’t know how or aren’t aware of. Including but not limited to:

  • Consultancy and advice
  • Website user funnels & interaction
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • SEO/SEM strategy & implementation
  • Content marketing strategy
  • PPC & Social ads campaign management
  • Market research
  • Competitor research
  • Analytics & data mining

Performing well with Google’s Core Web Vitals is crucial for top search rankings. Site speed is vital to a user’s experience. If your site needs an upgrade behind the scenes, we can help with the technical nitty gritty.

  • Speed optimisation
  • Plugin and 3rd party script audits
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Database optimsation
  • JS & CSS file optimisation
  • Image compression
  • Meta data improvements
  • Page errors
  • Crawlability issues and more

How is your story developing? Content Marketing is more than just having good SEO. Yes we can update all your meta data and fix all your page/heading/image tags – but that’s the easy bit. To really succeed in Google search rankings your content needs to fulfil the user intent.

We can help build the story of your brand with great content marketing. And no this is also not just about shoving keywords into your copy – that might have worked in the 90s but not so much anymore.

The key to telling a great story, is authenticity.

They say a picture tells a thousand words, but video is where you can convey true emotion. How can you tap into a consumer’s raw feelings, their passions, their excitement? You can create connections with people’s emotions through video marketing.

Great video content can project your brand story with your customers from a product to a part of their life, from a purchase to an experience. Explainer videos, TikToks, Instagram reels, destination videos, unboxing experiences, product reviews, experience campaigns – the list goes on. If you’re not doing video marketing by now – you should be!



See some of our clients work and how it’s impacted their growth


A Story of Online Digital Growth

wordpress website development agency


A complete design overhaul and rebuild of the website. Build proper user funnels showcasing why WPJ are the best boiler installation company in London.
Use SEO to improve search rankings across the board, get customers to engage with the brand & make plumbing look sexy!


wordpress website design company



wordpress website development agency

Google search traffic up 49%

Traffic up 15% YOY with new site & 16% up in website engagement

wordpress website development agency

Boiler jobs up 18% YOY last 3 yrs

35% conversion rate of boiler leads to installs for last 4 years

wordpress website development agency

18% keywords on 1st 2 pages

217 keywords ranked on 1st 2 pages out of 1.2k. 95% growth in last 3 yrs


Sam and 3500 Digital have done an excellent job looking after all of our marketing for the last 5 years. We are a busy, ever evolving company and have needed someone to grasp exactly what we do, what we offer and how to get that message across.

Sam has done this. We try new strategies, he implements them thoroughly and gives proper real-time feedback on what effects and response they are having.

We work together under his guidance to work out which marketing channels are working at any given time for any given demographic.

Sam is adept at seeing possibilities and translating them in to results across lots of mediums - he’s done maildrops, PPC campaigns, ongoing SEO, review platforms, website development and content, website re-vamps, website pop-ups and quote tools, newsletters, Google organic growth, social media posts and more.

You name it we’ve asked him to do it over the years and he has always responded diligently and logically with his approach bringing all his wide-ranging experience in to play. Thank you!

Eastside People
A Story of Analytics


A Story of Analytics

wordpress website design company


Clean up the campaigns in Google AdWords.
Campaign strategies had previously not been aligned under a single strategic approach, and without any conversion metrics on the website, EP were unable to evaluate performance and user behaviour.


wordpress website design company



web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service

Clicks up 56% last 12 months

No budget change, clicks up 56% over last 12 months vs previous year

freelance webflow web design

Click through rate up 48%

CTR increased from 3.8% to 5.6% over last 12 months vs previous year

freelance webflow web design

Cost per lead down by 25%

AdWords CPL decreased by 25% from 2 years ago. CPC also down 15%


As an SME with a dozen staff, we don’t have the capacity for a full-time digital marketing resource and so we commissioned Sam on a monthly retainer.

When he started we were achieving low click-through rates and engagement. Thanks to his efforts, we now have multiple advertising campaigns on google which are achieving good results and are a crucial source of new leads for the company.

Sam also produces a high-quality monthly report to keep myself as CEO up to date enabling transparency and rigour in managing digital performance.

Wowo Campsite
A Story of Customer Interaction


A Story of Customer Interaction

web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service


A complete design overhaul and rebuild of the website. Build proper user funnels showcasing campsite features and improve booking conversions online.
Wowo is one of the most fun & popular campsites in the south of England – make the website reflect that.


web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service



freelance webflow web design

Traffic increase of 21% YOY

131k visitors in 1st 12 months after launch vs 108k in 12 months prior

freelance webflow web design

Engagement grew by 94%

Avg 3.5 pages/session & 57% returning visitors vs 1.8 & 29% on old website

freelance webflow web design

Financial growth of 28%

Huge campsite-wide financial growth since website launch


Since bringing Sam on board to help with our website upgrade and all things online, things have been so much easier.

Sam is super efficient and comes back to all queries in great time. Our new website is mountains better than our old one and customers have a far better journey to make a booking with us.

Sam is also very knowledgeable on any other IT topic so has helped improve our work processes tremendously and saved us all time not doing things that can be automated.

We all enjoy working with Sam as he's always helpful and entertaining, highly recommended for any website development and digital marketing work!

AMP Agency
A Story of Connectivity


A Story of Connectivity

wordpress website development agency


How do we use social media to generate new business.
We want to connect with key industry contacts & brands to grow our business further developing AMP’s reputation as one of the biggest and best photography & production agencies in London, Dubai & NYC.




web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service

Social media growth of 101%

Audience growth more than doubled in 1st year following this strategy

web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service

High profile brand wins

Projects include Apple, Three, BrewDog, Amaffi, Nespresso & more

web design on wordpress and webflow freelance agency service

New agency connections

Production agencies like Adam & Eve, BBH, Mother, W&K and more


Sam runs an amazing service. His work ethic is spot on, he always delivers what he says, on time with more than promised. His patience handling us as a client is so valuable.

He will always take time and keep going until we have what we need despite it being a slow pace at times. His knowledge of the industry, and bespoke service tailored to us is fantastic.

Being a B2B and B2C business, his approach has been targeted to both. He’s efficient, affordable and friendly.

I would highly recommend him to any small-medium business that requires a cut to the chase approach with speed and results.

WPJ Heating
A Story of Online Digital Growth